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Product Installation Videos

Shooting in Palau / Model: Judit Lopez Soler / © Copyright by Concord,
April 2016

Photo / Archiv / Official



Zur anschaulichen Erklärung der sicheren Verwendung von Produkten und ihren Funktionen verwenden die Hersteller Produktvideos. In Ihnen wird der Einbau und die Handhabung gezeigt.

8 Produkte, 4 Tage, Planung & Kommunikation, Storyboard, Erklärung der Funktionen, Dreh-Überwachung, Bewertung

To show the correct usage and all features of the product, companies use product movies. Within the installation and a step-by-step explanation explains everything.

These crashtests are recorded very precisely. The various crashtest dummies are equipped with highly sensitive sensors and the whole process is filmed by high speed cameras under perfect conditions.

8 Products, 4 days, Coordination & Communication, Storyboard, Explanation of all Features, Controlling of the Shooting, Assessment